Code word:


To support sustainability everyone, except the ruling class, must give up individual liberty, rights and property for the sake of the global collective disguised as the common good.

Don’t be fooled.

The planet doesn’t need to be saved, but if it did, there’s certainly nothing wee humans could do to save it from whatever one may think it needs saving.

Earth has always been, is and will forever continue to be sustainable, on its own, with no regard for or help from us insignificant humans. We should be more concerned about protecting ourselves from the earth and what it might do to us than the imaginary harm pretentious intelligentsia try to make us believe is caused by human activity and that we must drastically change our way of life to keep from happening.

Climate change

Code for man-made-climate-change which, by objective science results, there is no such thing in that man-made carbon dioxide emissions have no effect on global climate change.

Fossil fuel myth

It is now known that there is way more oil in the earth than can be accounted for by the pyrolysis of fossilized organisms.

Unlimited resource

Oil is in fact the most abundant, efficient and economical energy, and therefore ultimately the most sustainable resource in the world.

For Liberty’s Sake

Don’t feed the animals.

Undo the Duopoly

  • More choice, more liberty, less government
  • D and R parties will bankrupt the nation
  • Join the party of principle

The Party of Principle

  • Individual sovereignty and responsibility
  • Nonintervention foreign policy
  • Free market economy

Education and Enlightenment

You’re a Libertarian

Choosing the lesser of two evils doesn’t have to be the way it is any more.